Canadian Citizenship Practice Test Important Dates

  • 1215
  • Magna Carta was a document signed by King John after negotiations with his barons and their French and Scots allies at Runnymede, Surrey, England in 1215
  • 1867
  • On July 1 1867, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada were proclaimed the Dominion of Canada, John A. Macdonald its first prime minister
  • 2017
  • On July 1, 2017 Canada celebrates its 150th birthday (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1871
  • On July 25, 1871, British Columbia becomes the sixth province of Canada
  • 1976
  • On July 17, 1976 Montreal becomes the first Canadian city to host the Olympic games (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1999
  • On April 1, 1999, Nunavut is separated from the Northwest Territories to become Canada’s third territory
  • 1987
  • On October 3, 1987 A free trade agreement between Canada and the United States is approved. (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1759
  • The British defeat the French in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham at Quebec City marking the end of France’s empire in America
  • 1969
  • Parliament passes the Official Languages Act which guarantees French and English services in the federal government across Canada
  • 1916
  • Manitoba becomes the first province to grant voting rights to women

  • 1947
  • The discovery of oil in Alberta begins Canada’s modern energy industry (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1840
  • Upper and Lower Canada are united as the Province of Canada
  • 1812
  • The United States launch an invasion in June to conquer Canada (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1604
  • The first European settlement north of Florida is established by French explorers Pierre de Monts and Samuel de Champlain
  • 1917
  • The Canadian Corps capture Vimy Ridge, securing the Canadians’ reputation for valour as the ‘shock troops of the British Empire’ (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1873
  • On May 23, 1873 the Dominion Parliament passed an act establishing a “Mounted Police Force for the North-West Territories
  • 1952
  • Queen Elizabeth II becomes Queen of Canada (Canadian Citizenship Practice Test)
  • 1867
  • On July 1 1867, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada were proclaimed the Dominion of Canada, John A. Macdonald its first prime minister
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