Canadian Citizenship Practice Test

Canadian Citizenship Practice Test

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Northwest Territories – Free Online Canadian Citizenship Practice Test

1 / 198

What are the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers together called?

2 / 198

What principles out of the following is Canada's constitution based on?

3 / 198

What does the term “responsible government” mean?

4 / 198

What is the capital city of Canada?

5 / 198

What is the capital city of Manitoba?

6 / 198

Which of the following is NOT Canada's system of government?

7 / 198

What is the importance of 15th February?

8 / 198

What was the Head Tax?

9 / 198

Who is the King's representative in Canada?

10 / 198

From where does the name "Canada" come?

11 / 198

What do you call the Sovereign's representative in the provinces?

12 / 198

In Canada’s justice system what does “presumption of innocence” mean?

13 / 198

When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?

14 / 198

How many electoral districts are there in Canada?

15 / 198

How many territories does Canada have?

16 / 198

In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?

17 / 198

A Member of Parliament from Winnipeg decides to spend the weekend in his or her electoral district. Does this mean the MP will be?

18 / 198

Which province was split into two at Confederation?

19 / 198

Oil was discovered in Alberta in 1948?

20 / 198

Name two responsibilities of the federal government?

21 / 198

What are the two principles upon which Canada is founded?

22 / 198

What is "Habeas corpus"?

23 / 198

How is a Cabinet Minister chosen?

24 / 198

Name the five Great lakes?

25 / 198

What is meant by the equality of women and men?

26 / 198

Who in 1864 suggested the name "Dominion of Canada"?

27 / 198

Which federal political party is in power? (2023)

28 / 198

What three oceans border Canada?

29 / 198

What is a major river in Quebec?

30 / 198

When called to do so, serving on a jury is?

31 / 198

What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?

32 / 198

What does the “right to a secret ballot” mean?

33 / 198

What is the name of the current  Governor-General?

34 / 198

What is a voter information card?

35 / 198

What is the other name of Great Charter of Freedoms?

36 / 198

Who started the Marathon of Hope?

37 / 198

Who governs Canada on the federal level?

38 / 198

Which province is the only officially bilingual province?

39 / 198

There is no compulsory military service in Canada?

40 / 198

All applicants are required to provide proof of English or French language skills to become a Canadian citizen with the exception of the following:

41 / 198

What principle was Canada's constitution founded on?

42 / 198

When did Nunavut become a territory?

43 / 198

What is a noble way to contribute to Canada and an excellent career choice?

44 / 198

Which of the following are Prairie Provinces?

45 / 198

The Crown is a symbol of:

46 / 198

Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?

47 / 198

What is known as the Great Upheaval?

48 / 198

Which of the following were the first four provinces in the Canadian Confederation?

49 / 198

What is the capital of Saskatchewan?

50 / 198

What are the two official languages of Canada?

51 / 198

Which level of government is responsible for by-laws?

52 / 198

Canada has three territories and how many provinces?

53 / 198

What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?

54 / 198

The border between Canada and the USA was the outcome of the Second World War?

55 / 198

Which animal is the national symbol of Canada?

56 / 198

What was the main trade of the first companies formed in Canada?

57 / 198

Which is Canada's largest city and main financial center?

58 / 198

What percentage of Aboriginal people are First Nations?

59 / 198

During the War of 1812 the Americans burned down the Parliament Buildings in York (now Toronto). What did the British and Canadians do in return?

60 / 198

The Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings was completed in 1927 in honor of?

61 / 198

Why is trade with other countries important to Canada?

62 / 198

Which party becomes the Official Opposition?

63 / 198

People from which country played a significant role in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway?

64 / 198

What is written on an election ballot?

65 / 198

In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?

66 / 198

Where are the Great Lakes?

67 / 198

What are "mobility rights"?

68 / 198

When was the Constitution of Canada amended to include the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

69 / 198

Which legal document underlines the importance of multiculturalism?

70 / 198

What did the Fathers of Confederation do?

71 / 198

What are the two principles upon which Canada is founded?

72 / 198

In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?

73 / 198

Why are the Great Lakes important to Canada?

74 / 198

What is the population of Canada?

75 / 198

For how long was the title "Dominion of Canada" officially used?

76 / 198

When was the Magna Carta signed?

77 / 198

Which of the following provinces in Canada is known as "the bread basket of the world" and also as "the wheat province"?

78 / 198

What is meaning of the Canadian coat of arms and motto: "A Mari Usque Ad Mare"?

79 / 198

In what industry do most Canadians work?

80 / 198

What is the Underground Railroad?

81 / 198

What is the role of the courts in Canada?

82 / 198

Which three rights are included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

83 / 198

Who is Canada's largest trading partner?

84 / 198

Which provincial flag features the fleur-de-lys?

85 / 198

Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?

86 / 198

Which is the oldest colony in the entire British Empire?

87 / 198

What designs are on a 25 cents (Quarter)?

88 / 198

In what sorts of jobs do most Canadians work?

89 / 198

What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada (2023)?

90 / 198

To which of the following communities do the majority of Canadians belong?

91 / 198

What are the three main types of industry in Canada?

92 / 198

What is the difference between the role of the Sovereign and that of the Prime Minister?

93 / 198

French and English do not have equal status in Parliament and throughout the government?

94 / 198

How is a Cabinet Minister chosen?

95 / 198

Who were the United Empire Loyalists?

96 / 198

What is the significance of the Quebec Act of 1774?

97 / 198

What is the significance of hockey?

98 / 198

What are the three branches of the Canadian government?

99 / 198

Where does Canada rank in the world’s largest countries?

100 / 198

Which three countries are signatories to NAFTA?

101 / 198

What do you call a law before it is passed?

102 / 198

Gita is a new immigrant in Canada. What law allows her to take a job at par with a man?

103 / 198

What do you promise when you take the oath of citizenship?

104 / 198

What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?

105 / 198

What is a fundamental characteristic of Canadian heritage and identity?

106 / 198

Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada?

107 / 198

Which province has the largest Aboriginal population of any province?

108 / 198

Who was Sir Sam Steele?

109 / 198

When did the British North America Act come into effect?

110 / 198

What does "due process" mean?

111 / 198

What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote

112 / 198

When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?

113 / 198

How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

114 / 198

What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital cities?

115 / 198

Canadians work hard to respect:

116 / 198

Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada?

117 / 198

Name one source of Canadian law?

118 / 198

What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?

119 / 198

After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

120 / 198

Since 1854, how many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross?

121 / 198

Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important?

122 / 198

Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?

123 / 198

What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?

124 / 198

A Member of Parliament from Vancouver announces that she will spend her weekend in her electoral district. This means she would be?

125 / 198

What did the Suffrage Movement achieve?

126 / 198

Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?

127 / 198

List three ways you can protect the environment?

128 / 198

Which of the following is the highest court of Canada?

129 / 198

What is the capital city of Canada?

130 / 198

What is the capital city of Ontario?

131 / 198

What is Canada's system of governance?

132 / 198

Where are the Parliament Buildings located?

133 / 198

What are the three parts of Parliament?

134 / 198

Which province is the only officially bilingual province?

135 / 198

Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada?

136 / 198

Who is considered Canada's greatest soldier?

137 / 198

Name the five regions of Canada?

138 / 198

When asked, who must you tell how you voted in a federal election?

139 / 198

Who is the federal representative of Canada’s Monarch?

140 / 198

What types of cases are heard by the Federal Court of Canada?

141 / 198

Who proclaimed the amended Constitution of Canada in 1982?

142 / 198

The Great Charter of Freedoms was signed in?

143 / 198

Which provinces first formed Confederation?

144 / 198

Who is the Premier of Ontario?

145 / 198

What is a Francophone?

146 / 198

Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

147 / 198

What do Canadians normally wear on Remembrance Day?

148 / 198

Who is the current Governor General?

149 / 198

What is the King's representative in the Territories called?

150 / 198

What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?

151 / 198

What does it mean to say Canada is a constitutional monarchy?

152 / 198

Who is the current leader of the Federal Opposition and his/her Party?

153 / 198

In Federal elections, Which of the following are elected?

154 / 198

What is the role of the Opposition parties?

155 / 198

What do Canadians remember on Remembrance Day?

156 / 198

Which province was the first to grant voting rights to women?

157 / 198

Which province is Canada's largest producer of hydroelectricity?

158 / 198

The term Aboriginal peoples refers to?

159 / 198

Who led an armed uprising and seized Fort Garry?

160 / 198

Which was the last province to join Canada?

161 / 198

Who can enter and leave the country freely without time constraints?

162 / 198

What does the Great Charter of Freedom include?

163 / 198

What does the term "Inuit" mean?

164 / 198

British Columbia is known as Canada’s Pacific Gateway because?

165 / 198

Who were the Voyagers?

166 / 198

What are the three responsibilities of Canadian citizenship?

167 / 198

What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting and Charles Best?

168 / 198

How many judges serve in the Supreme Court of Canada?

169 / 198

Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?

170 / 198

What does the word "Inuit" mean?

171 / 198

Which Canadian province has the largest population?

172 / 198

When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?

173 / 198

What province has its own time zone?

174 / 198

What is referred to as Central Canada?

175 / 198

Where are the remains of the first settlement known as l'Anse aux Meadows?

176 / 198

Who is Canada's Head of State?

177 / 198

How many citizens of Canada served in the Second World War?

178 / 198

When is Remembrance Day celebrated?

179 / 198

Who are the Acadians?

180 / 198

What is "Magna Carta"?

181 / 198

What is the government of all of Canada called?

182 / 198

Who was Louis Riel?

183 / 198

How many Canadians served in World War II?

184 / 198

What do you mark on a federal election ballot?

185 / 198

In the early days, what form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use?

186 / 198

Who chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada?

187 / 198

What does the Canadian flag look like?

188 / 198

What is the highest honour a Canadian can receive?

189 / 198

Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community?

190 / 198

What are the three parts of Parliament?

191 / 198

The following is above the law in Canada?

192 / 198

Which Canadian province is the largest producer of oil and natural gas?

193 / 198

In what year did Canada become a country?

194 / 198

From where does the name “Canada” come from?

195 / 198

How are Senators chosen?

196 / 198

What are the three parts of Parliament?

197 / 198

How does a bill become law?

198 / 198

Which province has a long history of coal mining, forestry, and agriculture?

Your score is

The average score is 58%


Important Information Below

What’s on the test

The test shows us what you know about Canada. We’ll ask you 20 questions about the rights and responsibilities of Canadians and Canada’s:

Study for the test

Use our official study guide, Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, to study for your test. You can start studying for the test at any time.

The official study guide is always free. The guide is available in multiple formats. You can choose to:

Taking the test

The test is:

  • in English or French
  • 30 minutes long
  • 20 questions
  • multiple-choice and true or false questions

You need to get 15 correct answers to pass the test.

Your test is usually written but may be oral. A citizenship official may decide on test day that you will have an oral test instead of a written one. We base the type of test on a number of things. For example, if you have trouble reading and writing in English or French, you’ll have an oral test. An oral test is given by a citizenship official at a hearing.

What happens if you don’t pass your first test

If you don’t pass your first written test, but meet the other requirements for citizenship, we will schedule you for a second test. The second test usually takes place 4 to 8 weeks after the first test, but it may be longer.

If you don’t pass your second test, we’ll send you a notice telling you to attend a hearing with a citizenship official. The hearing:

  • will last 30 to 90 minutes
  • may be in person or by videoconference
  • may be used to assess one or more requirements for citizenship, for example:
    • knowledge of Canada
    • language

If you don’t pass the test after 3 tries, we’ll refuse your application. You can re-apply to try again


Before trying our test we recommend you read Study Guide – Discover Canada once  and try our test. It will help you understand better and do well on our Practice Quiz 

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